Well all the hot weather we have been having has sure put a dent in my outdoor activities! I’m not sure which of us dislikes the heat more, me or my hooman. I can tell you he stays inside a lot, sitting next to the big box that blows cold air, and I’m happy to stay with him. Except when he goes to the gym – I always want to go with him. I remember I used to be really fussy at the gym, but now its my favorite place to nap!!
We still get out on some new adventures – like when we went to a puppy class that wasn’t on the computer – with real dogs and real people. I loved it. My hooman says I did pretty good!! He’s got me working on a lot of new things these days. If he’s very slow and very gentle, I will let him brush some of my teeth with a tooth brush, instead of his finger. And he wants me to learn “go in” – which I guess we missed before.
But the best part is all the great sitters I have been meeting – PADS Sitters are the best!!!
Submitted by: Kevin