So that was a busy month!!

First, my hooman finally completed his “Move for PADS” campaign at Trial #7 at UBC, which means we don’t get to go out there as often, and I don’t get to see him when he is all red in the face and panting real hard!!

And then we had lots and lots of visitors.  Sometimes I went to stay with my sitter Yin when the visitors were here, but last week, when they went to Long Beach and Victoria, I got to come along.


 IT WAS GREAT!!!  The beach goes for miles and miles and there are always new dogs to meet and sniff. I didn’t get to run by myself – my hooman said my recall wasn’t good enough – but he would run with me sometimes and that was almost as good.  It was great having my hooman’s family come to visit – but it’s also great to have some down time, with just my hooman and me – chilling together!!

Even when his family was here, my hooman was pretty good about taking me out for my “drills” every day.  Lately we have been working on “this way”, which is pretty easy.  And I think I finally have the “sit / stand / down” thing figured out, although my hooman says that sometimes it ain’t pretty.  But if he keeps treating, I’ll keep trying!!

Submitted By: Kevin Hisko