Star is part of the PADS Helicopters litter. The Star helicopter is most widely known for its Air ambulance, Medivac, and Search and Rescue services. We think she is aptly named for her future career. It’s a big name to fit into, and she is making good strides.

 Like her buddy advanced dog Pecan, she is working on a combo of skills and foundations as she can struggle from time to time with capping her arousal levels. She is most stimulated when people she loves are around, or she has a concern. We work on the antecedent (the thing before the thing!) and not the obvious display of behavior. It looks like jumping up, mouthing, climbing into someone’s lap and occasional barking. What we know is that if we teach her how to handle the antecedent, the other behaviours will not be present. That’s the “thing before the thing”!

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Star!

Advanced training location: West Coast (Satellite)

Submitted by: Lisa, Apprentice Instructor