I left my Mom and siblings in mid-December to begin my journey of becoming a superhero; at first, it was very scary with so many changes all at once. I was very brave for being only 8 weeks old. My new human, Lise, made me feel comfortable with lots of cuddles and snuggles. I sleep in my kennel at night, and during the day, I nap in a cat bed, it’s so comfortable, and I fit just perfectly. I think I Lise was really awestruck when she approached with my dinner, and I sat ever so politely as she placed my bowl down.
The first couple of days were interesting; I shredded every pee pad that was put down, oops. Plan B, Lise takes me outside often throughout the day to toilet. I think she is learning just like me. One morning she woke up and found my kennel door open and no Thor. She came out and found me sitting in my cat bed helping myself to the cat toy box, and there were so many. I’m pretty sure the cat doesn’t mind sharing his toys as he just watched me from another bed on a high shelf.
I like to play in the backyard and even got to experience snow. We went out for walks in the neighbourhood and some errands wearing my puppy in training cape. We have attended a couple of puppy classes via zoom; we are learning basics like hygiene, puppy yoga, socialization and building confidence for us pups. Patience is important for both of us.
I have learned to toilet outside, walk on a leash, and I am also learning my name.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2022.
Submitted by: Lise