June was a very busy month with lots of learning opportunities. We had our four weekly classes and two in-person classes at the PADS Campus. The month opened with our first-ever in-person class. I was staying with a family, and Lise came to watch me in action. It was a hot day, and Lise said I had rocked it.
Lise was happy when I came home a couple of days later as I had learned to sleep through the night without barking to get out of my kennel; life is good.
Summer days are great with the weather getting warmer. Lise likes to keep the patio door open all the time for the fresh air; when she is not outside with me, she wants to be able to see me, so we have this deal that I sit where she can see me. It’s so great; we both love the outdoors.
Our second in-person class was five different stations set up with different things for us dogs to do with our raisers; some things were a challenge and turned out to be items we would need to work on. I wasn’t keen on walking through a makeshift puddle. Lise and I encountered puddles in the spring when I was younger. Lise just thought I would outgrow this; well, this was not the case.
Lise’s patio and the hose became our latest learning tool. Water in a large square pan also became part of our space. I am a Labrador, and apparently, we love water. We had some hot days this month, and Lise put out this funny thing she called a Cobra mister, an attachment for the hose to cool down our space. I just wanted to lick the mist. When Lise waters the garden, the hose attachment has so many different settings. Some I like, and others not so much.
There is a park close to home that has a water park for the kids to play. Lise took me down there one day, and I was so thirsty I walked right through the water to get a drink from one of the hoses spouting out of the ground. I guess that means I can walk through puddles now. Next, I need to learn to swim!!
More summer days are ahead in July for this pup.
Submitted by: Lise Fillion