We have had a long wet spring with not much sunshine yet, longer days with lots of time outside. I like to wander around the garden and have even made some of my own modifications; I hope Lise likes them.
This time of year also brings us flea season, Lise took me to the vet for my flea treatment, and we had to weigh me to determine the correct dose for my treatment. I am a very healthy 55 pounds at only 7 months old.
Our weekly classes are always fun, as I like to learn; if you scroll down, you will see a photo of me paying attention to our trainer Heather in class. We reviewed our elevator and car protocols, so we go in and out safely; we also reviewed airplane feeding, puppy yoga for calming and body handling, as well as loose leash walking. We also did a game to build engagement, our nose touch, perch with rear-end movement, and DMT to avoid impending distractions.
This month we also met some new people in our Village, we met my dad Cleat and his human and had a walk around Lougheed mall. We also volunteered to mingle around the PADS campus while Telus was there for spring maintenance. We also met my mom, Strudel and a couple of her humans. I stayed a few days with a new sitter, had some lovely walks around Como Lake, and spent more time with a lovely family in North Vancouver. I am one lucky puppy to meet so many wonderful people. Having all these different handlers is a great experience for me, and it also gives Lise some time to do things without me with her friends.
Next month will be in-person classes on Campus and more adventures of Thor.
Submitted by: Lise Fillion