Hey everypawdy! It’s Thresher here! I had another busy month!
At the beginning of the month, I went to the Pride Parade with my sitter, Fiona and her family. I finally met my siblings, Reef, Triton and Tope. I was really happy to see them!! During my weekend with Fiona, I also met my new furiend, Wrigley. I didn’t want to play at first but changed my mind shortly after.
One week later, my hoomans and I also went to Seattle. It was my first time being in the States. When we crossed the border, I had to wait in a big kennel while my hoomans went into the office to get some papers sorted. I was vocal about not wanting to be there but recovered after a bit and just waited quietly. During the trip, we visited Pike’s Place and even the Microsoft campus! See the photos!
The month ended with my furiend, Comox coming over for a sleepover. I was so happy and excited! Wish I could see him more often! Have a great one, everypawdy. Talk to you next month!
Submitted by: Tina L.