Tygra has made so many positive changes this month! We have caught up on some skills we had missed and reinforced some habits and behaviours that needed to be changed. Tygra has been an absolute rockstar out in public, and we are so happy with her progress. Her loose leash walking has come so far. We have been working on keeping her nose away from the distractions on the ground. 

As far as outings go, Tygra spent time on Isabella’s field trip to the Pioneer Village (where she rode the carousel, the school carnival, and went to the circus. She was able to hang out under a bleacher bench for over 2 hours! 

Her amazing personality has finally won over our youngest daughter, and they are now both very excited to train together. Savannah is so pleased when Tygra responds to her “sit” commands. She has been so good with all the kids at school and on the playground. 

We spent one afternoon at the Delta Family Day at the swim club’s booth and saw some other service dog organizations. We were super impressed with how the puppies were managed and how well they co-existed. 

Tygra keeps learning new things, refining her current skills, and becoming super chill in novel situations. Our family is so proud of how far she has come. Thank you to everyone at PADS for all their support with Tygra’s training this month. You are amazing! 

Submitted by: Kurt, Daniela, Isabella & Savannah