VIMY II continues to look for the perfect client match and hopes to have more news to share very soon. In the meantime, Vimy has been spending time with a sitter and enjoyed meeting new dogs to play with and practiced his manners in new environments with more novel handlers. When at Rob’s training campus, Vimy continues to be a solid guy, maintaining all his skills so he is ready to jump right into team training when the time comes. Vimy met the newest kid on Rob’s advanced training string at the end of February. Sandy traveled over to the Island at the end of February and Vimy is loving having a new friend to play and snuggle with!

  • Skills being learned: Learning how to help take coats off, maintaining all other learned skills.
  • Recent field trips: Restaurants, malls, dog parks, various training field trips.
  • Possible behavior challenges: N/A
  • Advanced training location: Vancouver Island
  • Potential career path: Service

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Vimy!

Submitted by: Advanced Instructor Rob Mackay