I got to meet my grandma Posy this month! She hung out at my puppy-raiser’s office at PADS for the day and we got to have lots of playtime and nap time together.
I went on my first “big girl” hike this month, too, although I did ride in the human’s pack for the vast majority of it. At the end of the hike, we stopped for a play at the lake and I went swimming for the first time. At first, I was a bit hesitant, but then the human and big “sister” Birdie went swimming, and I followed suit and learned how fun the water is! Big “sister” Tira doesn’t agree, oh well.
I’m learning to be a demo dog with my human while she teaches puppy classes in person and on Zoom for other PADS puppies and raisers. I tried riding in the wagon with puppy-class gear one day when we went to teach out at UBC, but it was a bit too full to be comfortable while going over all the bumps, so I opted to walk instead.
After training at puppy classes, I’m exhausted and very ready for a good nap – sometimes I even sleep through part of (or most of… ) puppy class, and human has to get one of my “sisters” to help demo instead – being a growing puppy is tiring business, I tell ya!
In September, I turned 5 months old and continued enjoying off-leash trail walks, making new puppy pals, and exploring various public places in my yellow vest. My biggest public outing yet was to Guildford Mall this month to check out the dinosaurs. I wasn’t scared of the dinosaurs at all, and the crowds and heights at the mall didn’t phase me at all. I had lovely loose leash walking and engagement with my handler and patience throughout the outing while my puppy-raiser shopped. A small child randomly came up behind us and petted my back and startled me, but I recovered quickly and was able to continue with our outing.
I definitely have some funny sleeping positions that bring a smile to the human’s face.
Submitted by: Heather Cochrane