Zoom moved in on Feb. 11, and he has settled right in. He has so much energy and is learning quickly while tiring us all out.

Zoom has mastered sleeping through the night (thank goodness). He is doing very well with his “better go” and learning to sit properly. Zoom knows his name and “this way,” although sometimes he enjoys going “his way” a little too much and veers off to pick up a rock or leaf.

Zoom has been on several outings, and nothing seems to faze him. He had a coffee date with Franz, an older PADS puppy, went to the barn and met Jade (a big brown horse), rode in the glass elevator at the mall, has gone out for dinner and coffee several times and even went axe throwing. Zoom LOVES the snow and loves to play and walk in it. His stamina for walks is getting a little better, but he also doesn’t mind when Dad has to carry him in his pet sling when the walks are too long for puppies.

Zoom has started going to work with mom but only for a couple of hours at a time. Mom works in a very busy building that’s noisy and has a lot going on. Zoom is learning to settle in such a busy atmosphere where everyone is talking and not to him. 🙂

Submitted By: Justin & Heidi Doucette