
Volunteer Survey

It is our desire at PADS that all of our volunteers feel supported, confident in their roles, valued and appreciated. It is also both our mission and desire to place as many life changing dogs with our clients as we can. Your feedback will assist in doing both. Given that much of our program operates off our campuses, this means that your experience as a volunteer is unique, and your input invaluable.

It is our hope that this survey will allow us to focus our priorities for the upcoming year, to improve our volunteer engagement, training programs and fundraising capacity. We appreciate the time you take to complete this survey honestly and candidly.

About the Survey

The survey includes questions regarding demographics, followed by a variety of sections based on your identified areas of participation in the organization. There are two formats of questions on the survey: MULTIPLE CHOICE and FEEDBACK.


This includes ratings, select any/all, multiple choice and matrix style questions. The responses will be displayed in aggregated format when distributed to both staff and volunteers in order to present general findings about our volunteer population while protecting anonymity (so each question will be presented with the total answers of all respondents rather than as individual surveys).


After most rating questions, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback to us, particularly in areas that you have identified as requiring growth. Please share candidly here. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to let us know if your comments can be shared anonymously in the published version of the report.

PLEASE NOTE: Please complete one survey per person (rather than one per household)


Unless you specifically request contact from a PADS staff member at the end of the survey (or identify yourself in any of the text FEEDBACK fields), your responses are completely anonymous. If you do identify yourself formally/informally you may rest assured your survey feedback will be handled with sensitivity.