Each year at PADS we gather to celebrate our people and our community. We truly appreciate the sacrifice AND gifts that come from leading a life of service. The sacrifice comes by way of time, energy and resources and generally speaking, it can take you away from things that one sometimes might rather be doing. But our hope for each of our volunteers is that the gifts far outweigh the sacrifice. You tend to say that you love PADS, you love our community, you love the dogs, you love learning and you love being part of such an extraordinary mission.

This page is a collection of the Volunteer Award Winners from 2019 onwards. Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments!

Covid Heroes

The 2020 -2021 year has been an undeniably challenging one – for all of us at PADS. It also has meant that new volunteer roles had to be developed on the fly to support new ways of doing business – many of these individuals took on increased workloads related to COVID-19 and some provided specialized expertise or skills that we’ve never needed before. To each of them we are grateful!

Volunteers of the year

Each year this award is presented to a volunteer in each region who has shown remarkable commitment to PADS and our organization’s mission.

Spirit of PADS award

This award is awarded to  volunteers that demonstrate extraordinary commitment to PADS and our community in their efforts to support PADS mission and vision and is  awarded each year to one or more volunteers (or household).  

Verne Trevoy award

Verne Trevoy was a Calgary volunteer, a PADS client, and an extraordinary gentleman.  With his partner, PADS Service Dog Charlie, at his side, was the heart and soul of the Calgary program. Verne was single handedly responsible for recruiting countless volunteers, donors and even staff to our cause with his gentle, yet passionate, dedication.  

This award is presented to a Calgary volunteer (or household) when there is a recipient who exemplifies Verne’s passion and dedication.

Juanita Valentine award


The Juanita Valentine Award is named for this fiesty lady that spent a lifetime supporting PADS with ferocious tenacity, perseverance, and love. This award is now presented only when there is a recipient that reflects her remarkable spirit and commitment. May be presented to any volunteer (or household) in British Columbia.