30 Stories for 30 Years – Marcia & Marshall

30 Stories for 30 Years – Marcia & Marshall

Marshall alerted me to all the sounds in my environment that I cannot hear – the smoke detector, timer, telephone, alarm clock and people knocking at the door. With his help I was connected to the world of sound around me. He took his job very seriously and I learned to trust him completely, he was never wrong. He worked 24/7. He gave me confidence. He could, by virtue of his smoke detector alerts, even safe my life.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Kenn & Riddle

30 Stories for 30 Years – Kenn & Riddle

Riddle can think, and I’d argue he can even reason. Riddle reads how I feel, where I hurt, and when my neural pathways fail me. When the world starts to overwhelm me and my mind and body start to fatigue, Riddle is watching, ready to step forward and nudge me. That is special. That is Riddle.

Watson | December 2016

Watson | December 2016

I bet you think I’m still in Alberta with all this snow! My trainer and I have been on the road and we’re now in Lake Errock, BC.  I’ve travelled on a plane, met horses, helped train new volunteers, and kept working on increasing my brace and...
Saying Goodbye to a Great One

Saying Goodbye to a Great One

Sometimes in this life we meet one of the “great ones” — this week our community has been hit hard with losses, but this one has left us breathless. For those of you that don’t recognize him, this is our client, ambassador, friend, champion,...
Sara’s Story

Sara’s Story

Gone are the days I can just head out the door on a whim. By the time I’m ready to leave, I’m already mentally and physically drained. I’m happiest when I’m in my manual chair, rather than my cumbersome power chair, but I don’t have the strength except for with short distance on level areas.

Sif’s Story

Sif’s Story

I confess I have another reason for always scrolling through the PADS photos; my son Riley suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury when he was 17, (about 7 years ago), and is now permanently in a wheelchair. This motivated me even more to want to meet Sif.