

“This amazing dog, Jolie, saved me last night. In the world of Quadriplegia is a condition known as ‘Autonomic Disreflexia’ it is an adaptive warning system for those who cant feel normally, when something is wrong – or the body is trying to get your attention due to pain/discomfort/or a problem.



DAVE & JASPER “Around the age of 30 I was diagnosed with an adult onset type of Muscular Dystrophy. This condition eventually led to me needing this power chair I now sit in, as well as increased need for support from friends and family. When I heard about PADS on the...


Early mornings, late nights, excitement mixed with anxiety, lots of cuddling, and unauthorized puppy parties are just some of the things that Jocelyn and Marie experienced during their first 5 months as breeders caretakers for PADS’ Roma and her “Beatles Litter”. Their passion for labradors, social work, and their friend’s enthusiasm about the organization made PADS an obvious choice to volunteer for.

Lisa & Rowan

Lisa & Rowan

“As a PADS Accredited Facility Dog (AFD) dog, Rowan’s job is unique and invaluable. Together, Rowan and I work directly with clients of all ages and with various disabilities using Animal Assisted Therapy.  As a registered nurse, I will plan out the interactions...
Clayton & Ember

Clayton & Ember

“My PADS’ dog Ember and I were matched as a team in the summer of 2010.  Since then she has been a wonderful addition to all aspects of my life, especially with my last year in high school. When I drop an object on the floor or need to open a door, Ember can assist me...
Sare & Fraser

Sare & Fraser

“Fraser has been a member of the Department of Psychology at BC Children’s Hospital for more than two-and-a-half years.  He works with the medical psychologists in the hospital, caring for children with a variety of health issues (mostly children with epilepsy...