Adventures of Sawyer Part 5

Adventures of Sawyer Part 5

Join us Tuesday, April 4th at 1:00 PM PDT for our fifth instalment of the Adventures with Sawyer Series! Catch up with her Puppy-Raiser Jackie and see what they are doing to help Sawyer navigate through some of the behavioural changes that comes with adolescence.

Adventures of Sawyer Part 4

Adventures of Sawyer Part 4

Join us Tuesday, January 10th at 1:00 PM PST for our fourth instalment of the “Adventures with Sawyer Series”! Catch up with her Puppy-Raiser Jackie and see what skills they are working on that will help her when she enters adolescents in a couple of months.

Adventures of Sawyer Part 3

Adventures of Sawyer Part 3

Join us Tuesday, December 13th at 1:00 PM PST for our third instalment of the “Adventures with Sawyer Series”! Catch up with her Puppy-Raiser Jackie and see how they have been growing her world.

Adventures of Sawyer Part 2

Adventures of Sawyer Part 2

Join us Tuesday, October 11th at 1:00 PM PDT for our second instalment of the “Adventures with Sawyer Series”! We will we catch up with her Puppy-Raiser Jackie and see what they have been working on!

Meet Jackie and Sawyer

Meet Jackie and Sawyer

Join us on Tuesday, September 13th at 1PM PDT, when we check in with Jackie our Breeding and Puppy Program Manager, who has just started Puppy-Raising PADS Sawyer, who comes to us from Career Dogs Australia.