Saturday, March 1, 2025 | Advanced Dogs, Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This month, Marsh II has made his official debut in Advanced Training! He got to hang out on the campus where his siblings are currently training. One day, he will potentially get to hang out with them and train together! The Burnaby Advanced crew were impressed at...
Saturday, February 1, 2025 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of January Happy New Year everyone. We all stayed up until after midnight on New Year’s Eve, and the kids had an outdoor fire pit lit in the garden. It was very dark, so I wore my lit-up collar, which kept me visible. My boy decided to donate...
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of December. This month brought lots of outings, lots of guests and lots of decorations. Where should I start? Firstly, the boxes of decorations came out, and our living room was transformed with lights, trees, gnomes, nativity scenes and...
Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous Month of November This month was the month that I was supposed to go into advanced training, but I didn’t. Instead, I had two more visits to the vet and am eagerly awaiting news about the results. For two weekends in a row, I spent time with a new...
Friday, November 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of October I’ve had a quieter month and have enjoyed staying home most days, but just for a few hours at a time. My new bed is just an old couch cushion with a soft blanket, but it’s very comfortable and bigger than the last one. For off-leash...
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of September: Summer ended this month, along with lots of other memorable events. The kids went back to school, and I have popped in a couple of times already just to visit some students and say hi to some teachers. We celebrated my one-year...
Sunday, September 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of August Summer holidays are in full swing, and lots of my friends have been going on exciting adventures. I too went on a road trip to the Okanagan, swam in the lake and relaxed on the beach. Our local berry farm is within walking distance,...
Thursday, August 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Hot month of July This month, I experienced summer heat, and it slowed me down rather a lot. Morning walks were the most enjoyable because the air was cooler, and I am getting a little bit better at walking longer distances, and sniffing a little less and...
Monday, July 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of June This month has gone quickly, and I feel like I’ve done lots. Some of my outings are getting longer, and I’m getting used to staying in one place longer, waiting longer and doing less for longer periods. Also, I am left at home longer,...
Saturday, June 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of May: May started off with me at my favourite sitter’s house. Stewie the cat was happy to see me, and little Momo was there to keep me company too. Some days Momo and I went out and about together, and some days I went alone. We had a long...
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of April: April was definitely a marvellous month. I turned one and sent birthday greetings to my litter mates, but we didn’t get together for a chaotic play, unfortunately! My birthday gift was a feathered cat toy that I’m supposed to...
Monday, April 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Adolescent month of March: Well, according to everyone, I’m an adolescent, and I don’t really care, because I know everything and those humans know nothing. March was a month of ups and downs. My trainer told me to do lots of training and walks with no other...
Friday, March 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of February: February might be the shortest month, but I certainly squeezed in plenty. Every day, I practice basic cues and every month I learn a new one or two. This month I learned the stand cue, and the roll cue, and perfected my heel cue....
Thursday, February 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous Month of January: This month started off nice and quiet. The kids were still on holiday and the Christmas business came to an end. I went to IKEA to buy birthday gifts and there were lots of opportunities to practice my cues. That place was like a...
Monday, January 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous month of December: This month, I have confidently settled into my co-raising routine. At school, the kids know how and when to give me space when I’m in training mode. They also know the times that they are allowed to come and pet me. Often in the...
Friday, December 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous Month of November. Marsh here. November was quite a busy month, but there were also lots of opportunities for morning and afternoon naps. At school, I spent time with the kindergarten students, and we had to help them learn the proper way to line up...
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s Marvellous Month October. Marsh here. This month started off hot and sunny and ended up cold and wet. Rain is not my favourite thing to go out in. Drops in my eyes and soggy fur are rather annoying, but I have to go out. One day, all the umbrellas came out in...
Sunday, October 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Marsh’s September Memories This month has been quite a whirlwind. I left my family and am now being raised by two different people with two very different lifestyles. Laura takes me to school with her and I have a bed and toys in her office. I get to sleep, watch and...
Friday, September 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This month I got to go camping at Chilliwack Lake for 6 days with my family. I loved it – going for lots of walks and my family said I did great for ignoring all of the chipmunks who came into our campsite. I still love going everywhere with my family; they said...
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
I love going everywhere with my family. This month was the 1st time I went to the movies; my family said I did great. I slept the whole movie, and they took me back a 2nd time. I have been practicing that I can’t sit or lay in the middle of the aisles in stores...
Saturday, July 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
I have had a busy 1st month since leaving my siblings. I have gotten to experience going to the doctor and dentist’s office, going to the malls and even COSTCO! I have had fun playing in the puppy pool and puppy splash pad. It has been hot this month and I have...
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Help Fund My Training! #WOOF I'M SOCIALFacebookTwitterGoogle+ Marsh II is being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher,...