Andre rocked his in-pup class this month, hitting all the cues and asks. Walking to and from the class, with many dogs provided a challenge but he’s working on that.
Gabi & Jules Bakery sponsored a fundraiser for PADS. Andre visited the Burnaby location to pick up a yummy box of dog cookies, while Diana enjoyed some delicious goodies herself.
Andre was invited to the birthday party of the PADS Vancouver Island Litter which was held at Derby Reach off-leash park. Given how fast he booked it across the park to join the group, it’s obvious why he was named after Andre De Grasse!
Andre spent 10 days with sitters who have 2 dogs of their own. Wow was he some excited meeting the 7 year old male lab and 3 year old female Border Collie but after a few days settled right in and was a respectable house guests. It was a fabulous learning opportunity Andre.
Andre met two vets this month. A follow up with one for an ear infection which was all cleared up and one to assess his vision. He was good during both but we were delighted with the comment from the vision specialist, who said he was one of the calmest pups that day.
It’s hard to believe, Andre will be one year old on August 4th. August promises to be another fun filled and productive month.
Submitted by: Diana Bunyk