30 Stories for 30 Years – Nicole & Vespa

30 Stories for 30 Years – Nicole & Vespa

Vespa was a hard worker, and yet so easy going. She enjoyed a night out on the town or an evening in to nap when I wasn’t feeling well. She was quite happy to accompany wherever I went and we were never at any loss for people to talk to. People loved to approach us and ask questions or chat and I certainly didn’t mind chatting with strangers. She was a great conversation starter.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Meredith

About seven years ago we were in a great period of transition; jobs were changing and our hopes of having a family were dashed by illness and long adoption waiting lists. While out walking one day, we spotted a woman walking a yellow lab with a bright yellow cape. We saw the PADS logo and started talking about what it would be like to give back to the community like that.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Marcia & Marshall

30 Stories for 30 Years – Marcia & Marshall

Marshall alerted me to all the sounds in my environment that I cannot hear – the smoke detector, timer, telephone, alarm clock and people knocking at the door. With his help I was connected to the world of sound around me. He took his job very seriously and I learned to trust him completely, he was never wrong. He worked 24/7. He gave me confidence. He could, by virtue of his smoke detector alerts, even safe my life.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Kenn & Riddle

30 Stories for 30 Years – Kenn & Riddle

Riddle can think, and I’d argue he can even reason. Riddle reads how I feel, where I hurt, and when my neural pathways fail me. When the world starts to overwhelm me and my mind and body start to fatigue, Riddle is watching, ready to step forward and nudge me. That is special. That is Riddle.