30 Stories for 30 Years – Lindsey & Silky

30 Stories for 30 Years – Lindsey & Silky

At first, I thought I wanted to be an Education Assistant, because of how much I love being in the schools (Silky loves all the attention she gets from the kids, too!) After spending two years back at school myself, as a student, I realized how much more I can do to help other people in wheelchairs now that I have Silky by my side.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Nicole & Vespa

30 Stories for 30 Years – Nicole & Vespa

Vespa was a hard worker, and yet so easy going. She enjoyed a night out on the town or an evening in to nap when I wasn’t feeling well. She was quite happy to accompany wherever I went and we were never at any loss for people to talk to. People loved to approach us and ask questions or chat and I certainly didn’t mind chatting with strangers. She was a great conversation starter.

30 Stories for 30 Years – Meredith

30 Stories for 30 Years – Meredith

About seven years ago we were in a great period of transition; jobs were changing and our hopes of having a family were dashed by illness and long adoption waiting lists. While out walking one day, we spotted a woman walking a yellow lab with a bright yellow cape. We saw the PADS logo and started talking about what it would be like to give back to the community like that.