Pear | March 2024

Pear | March 2024

March was a busy, busy month as Pear’s puppies grew and learned by leaps and bounds. The workload shifts more to myself so Pear got to transition away from purely being the milk bar and more to a teacher and playmate. Pear has made such a lovely bundle of pups. I hope...
Pear | February 2024

Pear | February 2024

Pear was eager to kick start February with a bang and decided to have her puppies a couple of days early. Welcome to……. The Exclamation Litter! We have three girls (Eureka, Golly, and Brava) and five boys (Wowza, Crikey, Encore, Olé, and Bazinga). Pear had...
Pear | January 2024

Pear | January 2024

Sweet and playful Pear is our temporary house guest for the next 3 months. We are very excited as she will be having her 2nd litter, which is due at the beginning of February. She has settled in nicely to our routine and has made fast friends with PADS Shadow and...
Pear | January 2022

Pear | January 2022

Pear is a smart and fun dog to raise. She is working on duration of various skills and looking forward to more opportunities to practice in new settings as life hopefully gets back to “normal.” Submitted by: Dave Welsh & Jennifer...
Pear | November 2021

Pear | November 2021

Pear had a great November. She had so many pad friends come to visit her. Her human parents went on a dog-free adventure for a month, so the pads community stepped in. Everyone says she was very sweet and precocious, a service puppy in training!  She has been working...
Pear | September 2021

Pear | September 2021

Pear is a sweet and smart puppy who loves to work and learn new skills. She has just been through her first heat and is happy to be reintegrating into puppy society.  Submitted by: Dave...
Pear | June 2021

Pear | June 2021

Pear has been having a fun summer. She survived the heat wave with a little time in the ocean and a little time under a wet towel. Pear loves everything, people, dogs, toys, she is high energy! She knows that sitting quietly on her bed often earns rewards so she flies...
Pear | April 2021

Pear | April 2021

Pear is GROWING – both in size and personality! This month she had an adventure: her first plane trip. She did so fabulous and immediately curled up as small as she could and was quiet and well behaved for the whole flight. She did great walking through the...


Help Fund My Training! #WOOF I'M SOCIALFacebookGoogle+ Pear was being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher, psychologist or...
Pear | February 2021

Pear | February 2021

Pear arrived In February full of joy and bounce. She took a couple of days to settle into her new home and then there was no stopping her. She is confident and curious. She immediately fell in love with her big brother Huey and enjoys sneak attacking him from under a...