Raekin | July 2024

Raekin | July 2024

  Raekin spent the majority of July with amazing sitters as well as a week previewing Advanced Training at the Burnaby PADS campus. The sitters worked diligently on her settling skills, with the help of advanced dog Triton who came home to the sitters for a break...
Raekin | June 2024

Raekin | June 2024

Raekin had another busy month of classes, learning, exploring and Summer!  June was action-packed. She attended two PADS events (PADS Shredding Fundraiser and Puppy Days), where she continued to work on her settling skills and practice her greetings. She’s...
Raekin | May 2024

Raekin | May 2024

This month, we officially welcome Raekin into Advanced Training! Raekin will continue her stay with Caroline while she awaits a trainer’s string to open up for her. During this time, they have been diligently working on building Raekin’s durations,...
Raekin | April 2024

Raekin | April 2024

Hi Sponsor and Friends: Raekin here and I have a lot to share for the month of April!  It’s spring now and lots of nice weather which brought fun opportunities for outdoor adventures, outdoor training, outdoor parties and outdoor sniffaris.  And I had all of...
Raekin | March 2024

Raekin | March 2024

Raekin and I have been working together for the latter half of March, getting her tuned up to enter Advanced Training soon! I’m so impressed with her, she is cuddly, sweet, great in cape, loves to train and is fantastic with other dogs! We went on many new adventures...
Raekin | February 2024

Raekin | February 2024

I had a busy and good February. We had a cool puppy class where I got to practice my painting skills. I am so proud of my work of art! I also spent some time at an athletic arena – I look like I am taking a break, but I’m really working on my sit duration....
Raekin | January 2024

Raekin | January 2024

Raekin has been keeping busy this month. Her favourite things to do were going to Campbell River Park and running along the dyke in Langley. These are great places to practice dog distraction and work on my recall! Thank you for following my journey! Submitted by:...
Raekin | December 2023

Raekin | December 2023

I’ve had a busy month! I’ve been working on my settling skills at restaurants and you can see, my dressing skills too! I guess it was a festive look! Besides training, I love to go on off-leash adventures and work on my perching skills and recall. Thank...
Raekin | November 2023

Raekin | November 2023

Well, November sure went by quickly. I am working hard and practicing my cues. Even though I’m a big boy now, I can still do an excellent “Go-In” under the chair at the doctor’s office.   I settled very well and was a very good boy.  Submitted...
Raekin | October 2023

Raekin | October 2023

It’s been quite a busy month. The highlight was going to Aldergrove Park. Here is a picture of me on a horse mount demonstrating my excellent perch abilities.   Submitted by: Hilda...
Raekin | May 2023

Raekin | May 2023

Raekin here. I spent 3 weeks with a sitter and her family. The house was busy with people coming and going and we had outings most days but I also had lots of opportunities for naps. Some of the places we went to were – an old people’s home, a high school to...
Raekin | April 2023

Raekin | April 2023

Raekin here. The month started off wet and cold, and I did more indoor training. Sometimes we go to the recreational centre and walk around the indoor track. Near the end of the month, I went to a sitter. The house is busy, and the teenagers are fun and like to give...
Raekin | March 2023

Raekin | March 2023

Raekin had her first bath this month. She was able to enjoy the outdoors while practicing some loose leash walking. Submitted by:  Hilda Ryan  ...
Raekin | February 2023

Raekin | February 2023

I’m getting bigger and had a good month! I’ve been working on basic cues like “perch” and “down” and learning to settle on my bed. I’m a good girl. Submitted by: Hilda Ryan...


Help Fund My Training! #WOOF I'M SOCIALFacebookTwitterGoogle+ Raekin is being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher,...