Sven | November 2022

Sven | November 2022

We are proud to announce that Sven has passed his pre-placement testing and will start team training soon with his new person. Sven will be doing his rounds and saying goodbye to the people to who he means the most, including his trainer. He and his trainer had gone...
Sven | October 2022

Sven | October 2022

Sven has had a blast for Spooky month! Sven went to Aldors Acres with his trainer and had a great time. Sven saw lots of farm animals, did tons of walking around and had his photo taken (a million times, haha). It was a really warm day for October, so Sven did a lot...
Sven | September 2022

Sven | September 2022

Sven has had a very good September! He’s having loads of fun going on field trips with his handler. He’s lovely to have around and a great joy to everyone he meets. He accepts all the pets and loves from people in a very professional manner, in or out of cape. Skills...
Sven | August 2022

Sven | August 2022

Sven Skills being learned: perfecting his standard cues well as practicing kibble drop while he’s in a “go-in” position  Recent field trips: Anvil Centre in New West Had lots of fun at: his various field trips, as Sven loves attention and being with...
Sven | July 2022

Sven | July 2022

Sven has been cool as a cucumber at school. He’s a joy to have around, as confirmed by everyone who spends time with him. His field trips included a few trail walks, malls, Central Park, and a food festival! And he was impeccable on every occasion, always...
Sven | June 2022

Sven | June 2022

Sven has just come back to Puppy-U after spending time having adventures and training with his best pal, Robbie, on Vancouver Island! He really enjoyed having a chance to check out a new environment and have a good work-play balance. He was great on the ferry from...
Sven | May 2022

Sven | May 2022

This month, Sven has been doing lots of basic cue work and walks in parks to work on his dog distraction. His ‘sit,’ ‘stand,’ and ‘down’ durations are improving nicely, and he’s had field trips to grocery stores, restaurants, and even Costco. He’s also been going to...
Sven | April 2022

Sven | April 2022

Sven has been working on recall, sit, stand, down durations, basic cues, loose leash walking, and sniffing. Field trips included the coffee shop, Costco, grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacy, concert, walks along the ocean shore and forest trails. Sven enjoys his...
Sven | February 2022

Sven | February 2022

Sven has been enjoying working and being around his handler and loves his play breaks with Robbie and Norquay. He really enjoys being here and is continuing to be a good boy at school. He’s a good influence on his dog friends! Sven has been showing a good desire...
Sven | January 2022

Sven | January 2022

It has warmed up quite a bit this month so I am enjoying lots of winter hikes and some more snowshoeing. I have been working hard with my training and am showing great focus during training sessions. I hear that I will be going on a big road trip next month. I am...
Sven | December 2021

Sven | December 2021

Big news! I turned two this month. Our friend Trish brought pup cakes to class to celebrate my sister Elsa, my brother Olaf and me. They were delicious!! We have had lots of snow, and I got to go snowshoeing twice this month. I just love the snow, and they say that I...
Sven | November 2021

Sven | November 2021

November has been a pretty quiet month. I went out on the usual errands and enjoyed my daily walks or hikes. When shopping, my people have noticed that I am needing less redirecting. I am sniffing less in stores and focusing more on my humans. I enjoy puppy classes...
Sven | October 2021

Sven | October 2021

Well, I think that Fall is here. We have so many leaves on the ground at my place. I really like to help with the raking. Mostly I just watch, but it is fun to be outside lying on a pile of leaves! This month we visited a very busy orchard where there were lots and...
Sven | September 2021

Sven | September 2021

September has been busy and fun. First I got to go on another camping trip! On the way there, we stopped at an Enchanted Forest. We got to walk through the forest, looking at tons of cute buildings and fun figurines. I could tell pretty quickly that the animal figures...
Sven | August 2021

Sven | August 2021

Well, I guess that computers can be “glitchy” things sometimes. I can’t find my recent pupdates here. No problem – I will just have to catch you up on my whole summer. First of all, it has been verrry hot here this summer. We don’t have air conditioning at my...
Sven | June 2021

Sven | June 2021

Whew! Things are really heating up this month! Apparently, my people don’t have something called “AC” so we have lots of fans going in our house. At first, I wasn’t too sure about them, but now I love to lie right in front and enjoy the breeze. We have been getting up...
Sven | May 2021

Sven | May 2021

I had lots of fun this month. I have been trying out different beaches and lakes where I love to show off my swimming skills. I also went golfing with my buddy PADS Misha. Well, we mostly stayed on the golf carts, but it sure was fun! I think my people were pretty...
Sven | March 2021

Sven | March 2021

I moved at the end of February, so March has been full of lots of new stuff for me. I think I did pretty well adapting to new people, a new house, new beds, a new kennel and lots of other new things. My new humans are pretty impressed with my great loose-leash walking...
Sven | January 2021

Sven | January 2021

Sven has enjoyed many outings this month: downtown Vernon, the mall, snowshoeing, playing out in the front yard with another puppy, and walks down the field. After his outings, he comes home to totally relax. Submitted By: Fred...
Sven | December 2020

Sven | December 2020

Sven enjoys playing in the outdoors – snowshoeing and tobogganing with us. When he comes home, he likes to cuddle with one of his best friends. Submitted By: Fred...
Sven | November 2020

Sven | November 2020

Sven is quite the social butterfly. He enjoys going for walks at the mall and to Home Depot to see what interesting things are around. Submitted By: Fred...
Sven | September 2020

Sven | September 2020

I’ve been enjoying the warm weather and swimming in the lake. I spent one week at another raiser’s house.  I was so good that their shy cat started to play with me! I’m growing into my feet, but a bit clumsy with my bigger body. Submitted By: Fred...
Sven | February 2020

Sven | February 2020

I have taken Sven to the coffee shops and grocery stores. We are working on his toileting as it is better to go outside! Submitted By: Fred...