CTV Morning Live Vancouver

CTV Morning Live Vancouver

CTV’s St John Alexander meets the Exclamation Litter and learns about what it takes to be a PADS Breeder Caretaker.

Calgary Release

Calgary Release

PADS Calgary is looking for a new home! Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS) is appealing to the Calgary community to help us find a new home from which to train life-changing dogs. After 6 years subletting from our friends at Chasin’ Tails, in the Meridian...
Invisible Disabilities Week

Invisible Disabilities Week

Invisible Disabilities Week – at PADS we have many clients that fall in this category. We caught up with one that is close to home, our client (and PADS Communications Manager) Tara to share a few thoughts on some of the unique challenges of having an (often) invisible disability.